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JFBS membership Application

JFBS has individual members and corporate members. If you have academic/practical interests in issues for business and society and wish to apply for JFBS membership, please read follwings and fill out the form.

・Those who have master's degree at least (For scholars)
 (For Ph.D candidate, the discounted participation fee will be offered for the annual conference and workshops.)

  • ・Those who have more than 3 years working experiances (For practitioners)


Please send the completed form to JFBS secretariat (For the contact information, please see below).

After the approval at the board meeting and the general meeting, JFBS will issue the notification. Please then make payment of membership fee.
(After confirmation of the payment, JFBS will send you ID and password so that you are able to download documents for JFBS members.)
You are allowed to participat in JFBS activities as an tentative JFBS member until approval.

How to make payment

1) For those who make payment by credit card, please visit here
   (Avaiable credit card: VISA and MasterCard)
2) For those who make payment by bank transfer, JFBS’s bank account is as follows:
   Bank Name     Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 
   Branch Name    Kunitachi Branch
   Address        1-8-45 Naka, Kunitachi-Shi, Tokyo, Japan
   SWIFT code     SMBCJPJT
   Account Number  666-7966647
   Account Name   JFBS Daihyo Okada Masahiro

JFBS member fee

Individual Member   10,000 yen   
Corporate Member GOLD Member      500,000 yen/unit
SILVER Member   250,000yen/unit
BRONZE Member   100,000yen/unit

Membership Benefits

  1. The latest information on business and society
  2. Annual Book
  3. Special discount rates at JFBS events
      ・30% discout for JFBS individual members
       (50% discount for JFBS member students)
      ・Free of charge up to 5 persons for GOLD Member
      ・50% discount up to 5 persons for SILVER Member
      ・30% discount up to 5 persons for BRONZE Member

・・・Please contact JFBS secretariat for further benefits for corporate members.

JFBS membership continuation

If you wish to continue membership, please visit here.

Registration and Payment

If you wish to register and pay for annual conference/workshops, please visit here.


Japan Forum of Business and Society(JFBS)

Japan Forum of Business and Society (Mie Ihara & Hitoshi Hanaoka )
c/o: Masahiro Okada Labo., Keio Business School, Keio University,
4-1-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa, 223-8526 Japan
TEL: +81-45-564-2033 / FAX: +81-45-562-3502
