TOP >年次大会/Annual Conference>プログラム/Program

JFBS第12回年次大会プログラム / 12th. Conf. Program 

Venue: Raiosha, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan and Online(Zoom)

    【1日目:2023年9月7日(木) / Sep. 7, 2023】
    10:30-11:30 JFBS理事会/JFBS Board Meeting (中会議室/Medium Conf. Room)
    11:30-12:00 JFBS総会/JFBS Member Meeting (中会議室/Medium Conf. Room)
    Opening Remarks
    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    Masahiro Okada (President, Japan Forum of Business and Society / Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University, Japan)
    13:10-15:00 Keynote Speech
    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    English (with Simultaneous Interpretation/同時通訳あり)

    ・Eugene Chien, Ph.D. (Ambassador-at-large, Taiwan R.O.C, Chairman and president, TAISE )

    ・Kanji Tanimoto (Professor, Waseda University)

     【Moderators】Masaatsu Doi (Professor, Faculty of Social Policy and Administration, Hosei University / Professor Okada


    Plenary Session 1
    Beyond Crises: People, Market, Society - Search for a New Normal Order

    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    日本語/English(with Simultaneous Interpretation/同時通訳あり)

    ・Eugene Chien, Ph.D.
    ・Professor Kanji Tanimoto
    ・Professor Hsiang-Lin Chih(National Taipei University) 

    ・Yoshiki Ishikawa(Well-being for Planet Earth Foundation, Representative Director) 【Chair】 Professor Doi / Professor Okada

    16:25-16:35 休憩/Break
    16:35-18:05 Breakout Session
    Organized 1

    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    Session 1 (CFP)

    ESG Management 1

    (大会議室/Big Conf. Room)
    Session 2 (CFP)

    ESG Management 2

    (中会議室/Med. Conf. Room)
    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation) English English

    ・石川善樹 (公益財団法人Well-being for Planet Earth 代表理事)

    ・竹ケ原啓介(日本政策投資銀行 設備投資研究所 所長)

    ・岩田憲司(伊藤忠商事 人事・総務部 企画統轄室長)

    ・赤石枝実子 (ZOZO コミュニケーションデザイン室サステナビリティ推進ブロック)

    【司会】 今津秀紀(凸版印刷 情報コミュニケーション事業本部 SDGs事業推進室 室長) 

    1. Chi-Jui Huang (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

    "The Impact of ESG on Financial and Sustainable Performance after M&A Deals" 

    2. Chan Chang (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

    "The Impact of Firm’s Environmental Performance on Its Financial Performance and Stock Returns: Evidence from Taiwan" 

    3. Tanto Kurnia (Parahyangan Catholic University,  Indonesia)

    "Product Responsibility Disclosures: Do They Concern with Customer Privacy?"


    【Chair】Keiko Zaima(Kyoto Sangyo University) 

    1. Yi-Cheng Shih (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

    "ESG, State Ownership, and Stock Returns:Evidence from China"  

     2. Monica Paramita Ratna Putri Dewanti (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia)

    "Carbon Tax Implementation in Japan, Netherlands, and Indonesia"

     3. Nur Khaririyatun and Wiwin Winarni (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia)

    "Strategic Project to Accelerate the Improvement of Competence, Competitiveness, and Resilience of MSME (Micro Small Medium Enterprise) Businesses through Sustainability Reporting to Face the Era of Sustainable Global Business in an Effort to Support the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)"


    【Chair】 Hiroshi Amemiya (Partner, Head of Japan and Korea, ESG Book Japan, Japan)  

    18:05-18:30 休憩・移動/Break

    懇談会/Welcome reception
    会場:ファカルティラウンジ(来往舎)/Faculty Lounge, Raiosha, Hiyoshi Campus


    【2日目:2023年9月8日(金) / Sep.8, 2023】
    9:00-10:30 Breakout Session
    Organized 2
    <ビジネスと人権:企業の責任と 社会からの期待>

    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    Session 3 (CFP)


    (大会議室/Big Conf. Room)
    Session 4 (CFP)

     Financial Industry

    (中会議室/Med. Conf. Room)
    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation) 日本語 English

    ・佐藤寛(開発社会学舎 主宰)

    ・三井千絵(野村総合研究所 上級研究員) 

    ・井上良子(世界人権問題研究センター 専任研究員) 



    【司会】 佐藤暁子(ことのは総合法律事務所, UNDP(国連開発計画)ビジネスと人権リエゾンオフィサー)

    1. 齊藤 紀子 (千葉商科大学)


    2. 手嶋 進 (千葉商科大学)

    「サステナブル・ビジネスモデルの普及 ー 地域再生可能エネルギー事業の事例研究」



    1. Shu-Ling Chen; Thi Thanh Yen Nguyen (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

    "Factors Affecting Migrants’ Choice of International Remittance Channel: Migrants from ASEAN Countries in Taiwan" 

    2. Cindy S.H. Wang (HSBC Business School, Peking University, China) ; Hsiang-Lin Chih (National Taipei University, Taiwan);Hao Wang (HSBC Business School, Peking University, China)

    "ESG Investing and Systemic Risk" 

    3. Damajanti Tanumihardja (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia)

    "Materiality Analysis in Indonesian Banking’s Sustainability Reporting: What Do They Concern?"


    【Chair】Miho Murashima (Rikkyo University, Japan)


    Breakout Session      Organized 3 

    (メイン会場/Main Hall)

    Session 5 (CFP)

    Exogenous Impacts

    (大会議室/Big Conf. Room)

    Session 6

     Doctoral Workshop
    (中会議室/Med. Conf. Room)

    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation) English


    ・ 市田智之(サントリーホールディングス サステナビリティ経営推進本部 課長 )
    ・ 大谷純子(花王株式会社 ESG部門 ESG戦略部長)
    ・ 在間敬子(京都産業大学 副学長)


    1. Savu Rovanto (Waseda University); Yuan Virtanen (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)

    "Sustaining circular economy entrepreneurship at small businesses in China, Japan and Finland" 

    2. Sandra Faninda (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia)

    "Sustainable Event Management Practice: The Readiness and The Effect of It To Music Festival Cost in Bandung (Experimental Study on The First Post-Pandemic Music Featival in Bandung)" 

    3. Paulina Permatasari, Suci Sandi Wachyuni and Johanna Renny Octavia (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia) 

    "The Circular Economy as A New Sustainability Paradigm: Are Indonesian Companies Ready?"


    【Chair】Kazue Haga (Waseda University, Japan)

    1. DENG Qianyu (Waseda University, Japan)

    "Responsible Gambling and Customer Relationship of Integrated Resorts:Does customer awareness matter?" 

    2. HANAOKA Hitoshi (Keio University, Japan)

    "Dynamics of internal stakeholder activism:Toward a theory of hybrid organizations"



    ・Kyoko Fukukawa (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
    ・Masahiro Okada (Keio University, Japan)

    12:20-13:20 昼食/Lunch
    13:20-14:50 Breakout Session   Organized 4
    <市場:地政学リスクとサプライチェーン/Markets: Geopolitical Risks and Supply Chain Resilience>

    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    Session 7(CFP)

     The Role of Digital Technologies

    (大会議室/Big Conf. Room)
    English/日本語 (同時通訳あり/with Simultaneous Interpretation) English

    ・Mitsunobu Koshiba (Co-Founder, Cdots G.K.; Former Chairman Emeritus, JSR Corporation)

    ・Kyle Lawless (US-Japan Council)

    ・Wong Lai Yong (Founder, Principal Trainer & Consultant, First Penguin Sdn Bhd.; Board Member of Nitto Denko Corporation; Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation, Shizenkan University) 

    【Chair】 Masahiro Okada (Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University, Japan)


    ・小柴満信 (Cdots合同会社 共同創業者、 JSR株式会社 前名誉会長)  

    ・Kyle Lawless (米日カウンシル)

    ・ウォン・ライヨン (First Penguin 創設者・主席トレーナー兼コンサルタント、日東電工株式会社社外取締役、大学院大学至善館特任准教授)


    【司会】岡田正大(慶應義塾大学  大学院経営管理研究科教授)  

    1. Ray Tak-yin Hui (NUCB Business School, Japan)

    "E-coaching and Work Performances under the New Normal: The Relational-cognitive Mechanism of Leader-member Exchange and Self-efficacy"

     2. Forhad Hossain (Kyushu University, Japan); Rafiqul Islam (Kyushu University Hospital, Japan); Jahan Ruma Akhtar Shirin (Uddog o Uddokta, Dhaka, Bangladesh); Ashir Ahmed(Kyushu University, Japan)

    "Assessing the Readiness of Micro Healthcare Entrepreneurs (MHEs) for Adopting Digital Health Systems: A Step Towards Achieving SDG3" 

    3. Elza Fransisca; Amelia Setiawan; Elizabeth Tiur Manurung (Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia) 

    "E-Loyalty with Mobile Banking Application in Bandung" 


    【Chair】Asami Watabe (Iwate University, Japan)

    14:50-15:10 休憩/Break

    Plenary Session 2
    Wrap-up Session: Beyond Crises: People, Market, Society

    - Search for a New Normal Order
    (メイン会場/Main Hall)

    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation)

    ・今津秀紀(凸版印刷 情報コミュニケーション事業本部 SDGs事業推進室 室長) 
    ・佐藤暁子(ことのは総合法律事務所, UNDP(国連開発計画)ビジネスと人権リエゾンオフィサー)

    【司会】 土肥将敦(法政大学現代福祉学部教授)

    Closing Remarks
    (メイン会場/Main Hall)
    Masahiro Okada (President, Japan Forum of Business and Society / Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University, Japan)