Objectives and Themes of JFBS Annals
Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS) members and non-members can submit a manuscript for the Annals. The themes are to be as follows (but not limited to):
■JFBS Annals published in past years are here.
Publication Schedule
Deadline of Submission | Throughout a whole year |
Result Notification | The JFBS editorial committee reviews manuscripts submitted by February 15. Result notification is aimed to be sent to the author(s) around the end of March. |
Final Submission | Author(s) need to modify the manuscript based on the comments and re-submit by the end of May. |
Publication of JFBS Annals | September |
Notes for Contributors
1. The annals mainly consists of invited papers, academic papers, research notes and case studies/commentaries. For submission to the annals, membership requirement does not apply.
2. Contributions should be original papers written in either Japanese or English on the theme of the JFBS annual conference in that year or topics related to business and society. The contributions have neither been published previously nor are under review for publication elsewhere by the end of September when the annals comes out.
3. JFBS has all copyrights of submitted papers for publication.
4. Authors are requested to seek written permission in advance when citing their accepted papers in any other publication including internet sites. With the request accepted, authors cite the annals information such as the series number and the date of publication.
5. All papers are to be submitted in a single column format. Academic paper in Japanese language should be no longer than 20,000 characters (research note: 15,000 characters, case study/commentary: 10,000 characters) including title, abstract, keywords, notes, references, tables and figures. Academic paper in English should be no longer than 8,000 words (research note: 6,000 words, case study/commentary: 4,000 words) including title, abstract, keywords, notes, references, tables and figures.
6. References should be cited in the text either in brackets, e.g. Earlier studies (Schumpeter, 1934) showed... or as part of a sentence, e.g. Schumpeter (1934) states.... The reference should be listed alphabetically in the end of papers. In submitted papers, authors should not cite their own previous papers.
7. Authors should attach a cover letter which includes the title of the paper, author(s)’ name(s), author(s)’ contact information, an abstract (100 to 150 words) and keywords (10 words or phrases) in a word format.
8. Authors should follow the guidelines posted at the JFBS site to ensure their submission is in the correct format. (It is particularly important that authors may not use any third-party material such as figures and images on the internet and photos without appropriate permissions.)
9. Submission deadline for the academic papers, research notes and case studies/commentaries is February 15 after the annual conference, and for the invited papers, the end of March.
10. The annals uses a double-blind peer review system, in which two referees delegated by the JFBS editorial committee review. Then, the chief editor makes a final decision.
11. When accepted, authors can proofread for publication only once. Neither adding nor deleting sentences/ words can be made while proofreading. Only typographical/literal errors could be corrected.
12. All materials along with submitted papers are not returned to authors for any reason.
13. Papers should be submitted in a word file to info@j-fbs.jp
Please check the Author Guideline
【JFBS Editorial Committee】
Editor in chief:
Masaatsu Doi, Hosei University
Co-Chair: (Annual Conference Chairperson)
Keiko Zaima, Faculty of Business Administration, Kyoto Sangyo University
Miho Taka, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University
Kanji Tanimoto, School of Commerce, Waseda University
Keiko Yokoyama, Faculty of Commerce, Kansai University
【Japan Forum of Business and Society
c/o Office of the Graduate School of Commerce,
Room 106, Faculty Building 2,
Hitotsubashi University,
2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601, JAPAN
E-mail: info★j-fbs.jp (Please replace the ★ with 'at' when sending an email)
URL: https://j-fbs.jp