TOP >年次大会/Annual Conference>プログラム/Program

JFBS第10回年次大会プログラム / 10th. Conf. Program 

    【1日目:2021年9月2日(木) / Sep. 2, 2021】
    10:30-11:30 JFBS理事会/JFBS Board Meeting
    11:30-12:00 JFBS総会/JFBS Member Meeting
    Digital Registration
    Opening Remarks
    Kanji Tanimoto (President, Japan Forum of Business and Society / Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan)
    13:10-15:00 Keynote Speech
    English/日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation/同時通訳あり)

    ・R. Edward Freeman (Professor, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA)
    "Stakeholder Capitalism and Circular Economy"

    ・Valentina Carbone (Professor, ESCP, Paris, France)
    "How to explain the success of Circular Economy in the Anthropocene Era? -When framing matters"

    ・Marjut Hannonen (Minister-Counsellor, Head, Trade Section. Delegation of the European Union to Japan)
    "A New Circular Economy Action Plan"

    ・Tomomi Fukumoto (Executive Officer, Division COO, Corporate Sustainability Division, Suntory Holdings, Japan)

    【Chair】 Kanji Tanimoto (Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan)


    休憩 / Break
    Plenary Session 1
    Circular Economy Transition: Exploring the Institutional, Organizational & Behavioral Dimensions
    English/日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation/同時通訳あり)
    ・Marjut Hannonen (Minister-Counsellor, Head, Trade Section. Delegation of the European Union to Japan)
    ・Izumi Sato (Lawyer, Japan)
    ・Tomomi Fukumoto (Executive Officer, Division COO, Corporate Sustainability Division, Suntory Holdings, Japan)
    ・Michele John (Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Curtin University, Australia)

    【Chair】 Masahiro Okada (Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University, Japan)
    16:25-16:35 休憩 / Break
    16:35-18:05 Breakout Session Organized 1
    Session 1 (CFP)
    Social Inclusive Business  
    Session 2 (CFP)
    Transition to Circular Economy Ⅰ  
    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation) English English

    ・内田雄作(サントリーホールディングス サステナビリティ推進部課長)




    【司会】 今津秀紀(凸版印刷マーケティング事業部SDGsプロジェクト部長)

    1. Natalie Beinisch (Circular Economy Innovation Partnership, Nigeria), Christoph Biehl (Lloyds Banking Centre for Responsible Business, University of Birmingham, UK), Jennifer Tyree-Hagemann (Lloyds Banking Centre for Responsible Business, University of Birmingham, UK), Adun Okupe (London Business School, UK) and Kofi Gyamfi
    "Financing Circular Economy Business Models for the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP)"

    2. Forhad Hossain (Bangladesh Institute for Research, Bangladesh)
    "Japanese Company’s Interest on Social Business as CSR Activity "

    【Chair】Kazue Haga (Waseda University, Japan)

    1. Julia Gross (University of Hamburg, Germany)
    "How asset managers’ sensemaking of circular economy changes over time"

    2. Ida Rovanto (Aalto University, Finland / Waseda University, Japan)
    "Driving circular economy – Societal impact from small businesses"

    3. Thanyada Ritthinumporn (Thammasat University, Thailand)
    "The Societal Integration of Circular Economy with Community-Driven Initiatives in Local Cotton-Textile Artisan Communities in Thailand"

    【Chair】Michele John (Curtin University, Australia)

    【2日目:2021年9月3日(金) / Sep.3, 2021】
    9:00-10:30 Breakout Session Organized 2
    Session 3 (CFP)
    Current Issues of CSR  

    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation) 日本語/English

    【司会】 大平修司(千葉商科大学商経学部教授)

    1. 池内博一(追手門学院大学)

    2. 熊沢拓(ソーシャルインパクト・リサーチ)

    3. Li Jiarong (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
    "The diverse role and extended scope of CSR stakeholder in emerging countries"

    【Chair】Miho Murashima (Rikkyo University, Japan)

    休憩 / Break
    Breakout Session Organized 3
    Sustainable Fashion:
    3R (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce) and C (Certification) in the fashion industry
    Session 4 (CFP)
    Waste Problems  
    Session 5 (CFP)
    Doctoral Workshop
    English 日本語/English 日本語/English
    ・Angela Ortiz (Founder & CEO, Place to Grow, Japan)
    ・Kyle Parsons (Founder and CEO, Indosole, USA)
    ・Kenji Tanaka (CEO, Gordon Brothers Japan, Japan)
    ・Kazumi Watanabe (Managing Director, Peterson Projects & Solutions Japan, Japan)

    【Chair】 Hiroshi Amemiya (Head of Japan, Arabesque S-Ray Japan branch, Japan)

    1. 宮下佳子, 西尾チヅル(筑波大学)
    「消費者の食品ロス削減に対するエシカルPOP シールの効果」

    2. Antonio Formacion (Kyushu University, Japan)
    "Right to repair” and the Circular Economy: Slowing the loop of smartphones demand and manufacture"

    【Chair】Shuji Ohira (Chiba University of Commerce, Japan)

    1. Naomi Inoue (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
    "Unpacking the mechanism of promoting Business and Human Rights (BHR) through United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (GPs) and related key measures in Africa"

    2. 横沢泰志(拓殖大学)
    「ごみ処理へのサーキュラー・エコノミーモデルの適用 ~マンション・コミュニティにおけるサステナブルなごみ排出モデルと管理組合マネジメント~」

    【Mentor】Kyoko Fukukawa (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
    Masaatsu Doi (Hosei University, Japan)
    12:20-13:20 昼食/Lunch
    13:20-14:50 Breakout Session Organized 4
    Session 6 (CFP)
    Transition to Circular Economy Ⅱ

    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation) 日本語/English
    ・エリック カワバタ(テラサイクルジャパン アジア太平洋統括責任者)
    ・古谷誠士(凸版印刷 情報コミュニケーション事業本部 技術戦略・開発部 課長)

    【司会】 今津秀紀(凸版印刷 マーケティング事業部SDGsプロジェクト部長)

    1. 趙誼(東京大学)

    2. Rebecca Chunghee Kim (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan)
    "Is Business Inclusive Leadership Possible by Applying Sustainable Development Goals? The Korean Big Conglomerates (Chaebols) Examined"

    【Chair】Masahiro Okada (Keio University, Japan)

    14:50-15:10 休憩 / Break
    15:10-16:30 Plenary Session 2
    Wrap-up Session:
    Circular Economy Transition: Exploring the Institutional, Organizational & Behavioral Dimensions
    日本語 (with Simultaneous Interpretation)

    ・今津秀紀(凸版印刷 マーケティング事業部SDGsプロジェクト部長)

    【司会】 岡田正大(慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科教授)

    Closing Remarks
    Kanji Tanimoto (President, Japan Forum of Business and Society / Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan)